
Dance, Connect, and Empower

— Confidence and Wellness for the Digital Age

〰️ Dance, Connect, and Empower — Confidence and Wellness for the Digital Age

Girl FWD Confidence-Building Course:

Movemeant offers a group coaching program tailored for middle and high school girls, dedicated to nurturing confidence, security, and self-belief across both digital and physical domains.

Our goal is to facilitate open dialogues about girlhood in today’s digital landscape, foster genuine peer connections, and empower girls to prioritize their well-being.

Through mentorship from their Movemeant coach, dance sessions, mental exercises, peer discussions, and reflective activities, Girl FWD empowers girls to rediscover and strengthen their self-confidence and self-assurance in the digital age.

Girl FWD encourages girls to disconnect from their phones, reconnect with their bodies, and foster community.

Weekly sessions are held throughout a semester, with meetings scheduled once or twice a week, typically during lunchtime or after school.

Session Length:
Each session lasts 45 to 60 minutes, designed to fit within school schedules.


  • Warm-Up: 30 minutes of energetic dance workouts or learning new dance routines.

  • Discussion: Followed by interactive discussions on the weekly lesson topic.

Movemeant Coaches lead 12 lessons covering:

  • Growth Mindset

  • Media Literacy

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Resilience

  • Emotional Processing

  • Coping Skills

  • Confidence Building

This program blends physical activity with essential life skills, offering a well-rounded approach to personal development.


Movemeant Provides:

- All necessary tools for program implementation, including online training and Movemeant Coach certification.

- Our comprehensive Girl FWD Curriculum and Movemeant Coach Training Guide.

- Ongoing virtual support.

- Promotional materials to enroll girls in the program.

- Facilitated communication with parents/guardians of program participants, along with a guide and tips on supporting their daughters throughout the program.

School Provides:

- A facilitator with a passion for fitness and wellness will serve as the Movemeant coach, leading the sessions and dance component. This individual will oversee the program and provide support to the enrolled girls. If an onsite facilitator isn’t possible, we can set up virtual sessions with one of our accredited coaches by using a projector to stream the coach into the sessions with the girls.

- A safe and private space for program activities during lunchtime or after school, such as a gym, classroom, or open campus space.

- A positive and supportive atmosphere conducive to learning and growth.

Girl FWD School Implementation Strategy:

  1. Customize the Program: Tailor to school needs and schedules.

  2. Train Facilitators: Hire and train school-recommended teachers or staff.

  3. Marketing and Recruitment: Promote through various channels and recruit with teacher and counselor support.

  4. Orientation and Onboarding: Provide materials and optional orientation sessions.

  5. Schedule and Facilitate Sessions: Establish a regular schedule and conduct confidence-building sessions.

  6. Monitor and Evaluate: Track attendance, collect feedback, and measure outcomes.

  7. Report and Sustain: Share results, secure funding, and explore expansion opportunities.

  8. Continuous Improvement: Gather feedback and provide ongoing support.

Outline of the Girl FWD curriculum

Module 1: Boost Your Self-Belief

  • Week 1: Discover Your True Self

  • Week 2: Adopt A Growth Mindset

  • Week 3: Cultivate Healthy Habits and Self-Care

  • Week 4: Develop Resilience

Module 2: Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy

  • Week 5: Master Self-Regulation and Emotion Processing

  • Week 6: Overcome Stress, Doubt, and Insecurities

  • Week 7: Improve Communication and Conflict Resolution

  • Week 8: Navigate Social Media with Confidence and Self-Assurance

Module 3: Boost Your Self-Confidence

  • Week 9: Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

  • Week 10: Build Unbreakable Confidence

  • Week 11: Become a Leader and Team Player

  • Week 12: Celebrate Your Incredible Journey

Interested in bringing Girl FWD to your school? Apply here!!

Once submitted, a member of the Movemeant Team will reach out to discuss next steps.