Help us empower middle school girls by sponsoring their journey with Girl FWD!

 Sponsoring a school to participate in Girl FWD allows us to offer life-changing health and wellness experiences to under-resourced communities at no cost. Your support directly contributes to their growth and confidence as they learn essential wellness practices, participate in open dialogues on relevant topics, and thrive within a supportive community where girls uplift and support each other.

Why your donation matters:

  • Face-to-Face Interaction:

    Excessive online interaction can reduce opportunities for developing face-to-face social skills. A study by Common Sense Media found that 45% of teens prefer texting over talking in person, which can impact their ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations.

  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:

    While online interactions can build connections, they can also lead to misunderstandings and reduced empathy. Research indicates that 60% of teens have misinterpreted a text message or social media post, leading to conflicts and strained relationships.

  • Reduced Physical Activity:

    Increased screen time often means less time spent on physical activities. The World Health Organization recommends that children aged 5-17 engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily, but many fail to meet this guideline due to time spent on digital devices.

  • Mental Health Issues:

    Studies show that excessive social media use is linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression. For example, girls who spend more than three hours per day on social media are at higher risk for mental health problems compared to those who spend less time online .

Meet Aras

A Girl FWD Graduate Redefining Confidence and Resilience

Sponsoring one school changes the lives of 30 girls.

Your contribution also fosters a positive ripple effect within their schools and communities. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of girls nationwide.

“Before Girl FWD, I used to let other kids' negative comments get to me. I'd take things personally and feel bad about myself. But now I care way less about what they think.

I feel much more confident to choose to wear what makes me feel good and comfortable, instead of trying to impress or be accepted by others. And when someone's being judgmental, I try to send them kindness and empathy instead of letting it affect me.”

— Hadley, 13 years old, Washington

Continuous Support for Girls:

Your investment ensures that Movemeant's transformative health and wellness programs are accessible to under-resourced communities, providing opportunities they wouldn't have otherwise. Your generosity equips these girls with essential tools for success and personal growth. With your support, you'll directly sponsor 30 girls per school, making a significant impact on their lives.

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Appreciation:

    Receive a unique gift each year as a token of our appreciation for your support and commitment.

  • Recognition:

    Receive recognition in Movemeant's newsletters, press releases, and annual reports, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Impact Report:

    Receive a personalized report detailing how your contribution directly benefited the girls in the program, including testimonials and statistics on the program's success.

  • Heartfelt Gift:

    Enjoy a heartfelt gift from participants expressing gratitude.

“Girl FWD is not only an amazing program for young girls, but for the Movemeant coaches who lead the sessions as well. I loved working with my mentee each week to discuss important topics like self-belief and resilience, and wish that something like this would have been around when I was younger. Coaching is a high-impact, low-stress way to make a difference for young women, and I highly recommend joining Movemeant as they work to empower future generations. I look forward to working with more Girl FWD participants in the future!”

Stella Frisby,  School-Counselor & Movemeant Coach, Kansas City

Your sponsorship not only empowers individual girls but also fosters a positive ripple effect within their schools and communities. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of girls nationwide — sponsor a school with Girl FWD today!


“The Girl FWD Program was a wonderful experience for me. At the start, I would say I was somewhat confident, but not to the level where I wouldn’t second guess most things. As I moved on into different lessons of the curriculum, I noticed lots of changes in how I respond to challenges and difficult situations, as well as a decrease in negative thoughts, indecisiveness, and second-guessing. Over the 3 months I worked with my Movemeant coach, I’ve felt better about myself and learned to validate my feelings without bringing myself down or putting myself in a state of despair. I’ve grown a lot more than I thought I would during this course and learned a lot about myself. I've developed my confidence, patience and resilience which has been very empowering to me. At the end of Girl FWD, I felt like a better version of myself and feel myself getting better every day.”

— Khadija M., 14 years old, Murrieta, CA



    Get involved with a one-time donation to sponsor one girl today!


    Make a monthly contribution to sponsor two girls!